As if to pay homage to tomorrow’s social media lecture, I actually listened to Jonlee’s Tuesday afternoon lecture from the comfort of my own apartment via Skype.
My head cold progressed a bit and between needing rest and not wanting to infect anyone, I thought it would be a good idea. While Skype has been around for a while, I was floored as to how well it works. I felt like I was in the room with everyone.
Jonlee walked us through ways to work with retailers. Remember, if you work for a CPG you might market directly to a consumer.
But, the consumer still buys the product in a retail outlet. So, the CPG has to find ways to motivate the retailer too.
We learned about what retailers expect from CPGs and performance measurements they use.
GMROI? Well, that’s merely Gross Margin Return on Investment.
We also further talked about slotting fees, end cap space, in-store promotions, and retailer margins.
Oh, and by the way, make sure you take M537 Retailer Channel Management at some point after the Core……
Mike Hardman